Panic Attack Treatment Without Medication - How to Stop Panic Attacks Naturally at Home!


The panic or anxiety attack is a sudden and temporary episode of intense fear or discomfort that occurs even though there is no real risk. The person experiences physical symptoms that get incorrectly interpreted as signs of an impending disaster. For example, a symptom such as rapid heartbeat gets interpreted only as an indication of a heart attack, without taking into account the circumstances that may have caused it (physical activity, stress).

A panic attack is accompanied by the appearance of at least four or more of the following symptoms:

* Rapid heartbeat
* Sweat
* Tremor
* Sensation of breathlessness or suffocation
* Feeling of choking (difficulty swallowing)
* Chest pain
* Nausea, dizziness or faintness
* The thought of going crazy
* Fear of dying
* Numbness or tingling
* Chills or hot flushes

Usually anxiety attacks occur during the day, either without apparent cause or when the person faces a situation that involves some kind of risk for them. But, there are many cases of people who experience these attacks during the night or more rarely, only at night. The studies published in the medical literature, suggest that the percentage of people who experience this condition at night, ranges from 28% -71%. Often, people who suffer from this problem start to feel too afraid to go to sleep, which can lead to insomnia that can exacerbate the frequency of the attacks and create a vicious cycle.

A person can have only one anxiety attack in their lives (and this can happen to 5% of the population) and not face the same problem ever again. In some people, however this unpleasant experience can be repeated frequently, which causes a condition called panic disorder. Several studies have found that the panic disorder occurs in the 1% -1.5% of the population and is more common in women. The problem usually starts at a young age (between 20-30 years).

So, how do you cure panic attacks?

The good news is that medication is not required. There are natural ways to cure panic attacks in a wholesome way. Although many people choose to use drugs to cure their symptoms, the only way to get rid of this condition once and for all is to address the root cause of the problem. Medications will only mask the symptoms and many people may also become addicted to them. One thing that can help is to use relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga and deep breathing to help control anxiety and reduce the stress that might be triggering the condition. But, if you want to find a permanent solution to your problem there is a natural system you can use that can help you cure panic attacks forever.

Do you want to Stop Panic Attacks Naturally? Just Click Here!

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