Cure Eczema Naturally - Find Out How To Treat Eczema The Natural Way!


Eczema (also called atopic dermatitis) is an inflammatory disease of the skin that may have more that one causes. There is a form of eczema that occurs due to contact with irritants or allergens and another form that is triggered by dysfunctions of the body. In the first case, the inflammation appears due to skin damage caused by substances, such as acids or solvents. Other substances that may be responsible are hair dyes, metals, cosmetics and more. Sometimes dermatitis appears only on the parts of the body exposed to sunlight.

The real cause of atopic dermatitis is not known. It is often observed that those affected have a family history of allergic diseases like asthma or allergic rhinitis. These people may also have a type of skin that can be very sensitive to chemical irritants. The parts of the body most affected...
in atopic eczema are the face, neck, skin of the elbows, knees, wrists and ankles. It often appears in the first months of life or during adolescence.

In acute eczema, blisters appear on the skin and release a clear fluid when they break. Subsequently, the blisters may turn into a crust. The skin becomes drier and thicker.
Eczema causes intense itching and patients may have trouble sleeping. Wounds can cause continuous scratching of the itchy parts, which can lead to infection.

Some tips to get rid of eczema quickly and easily:

* In contact dermatitis it's very important to identify the substance that causes the reaction. You need to keep in mind that you may not have to come in contact with these substances in their pure form, but you may have touched an item that carried the substance (like tools). Of course, the contact with these substances should be avoided or you should start wearing protective clothing (like gloves) or use creams that act as a barrier and protect the skin.

* In the case of atopic dermatitis you should avoid the application of irritating substances on the skin (particularly in children), such as cosmetics, facial creams or perfumes.

* It is best to avoid using soaps and taking long bubble baths. Prefer to take short baths in warm water, adding unscented oil to the water.

* If you have a child that suffers from this condition, you must keep the child's nails very short to prevent scratches. If necessary, particularly at night, you may want to put gloves on the baby.

* Always use clothes made of cotton and avoid wool and synthetic fabrics.

* Avoid coming into contact with people that suffer from herpes, chicken pox, warts, and other infections.

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