"Skin care": Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Cellulite - This Is How To Reduce The Appearance Of Cellulite Naturally!


The appearance of cellulite depends on several factors that often co-exist, but the main cause is the alteration of the microcirculation inside the fat cells. Normally the skin and the tissues that support it are in a state of physiological, metabolic and circulatory balance. Under optimal conditions, the fat cells (adipocytes) present in the subcutaneous tissue act as an energy reserve that can be burned by the body, when it has a need for "fuel."

However, partly due to poor blood circulation, the fat inside the cells accumulates and compresses the blood vessels. This causes the inflammation of adipose tissue and the formation of fibrous tissue under the skin.
As a result, the drainage of excess fluids is becoming increasingly difficult, which triggers a vicious circle, creating the appearance of cellulite.

Some women seem to be more susceptible to this condition than others. For example, Mediterranean women often have a pear-shaped body, which is characterized by the accumulation of excess weight on the lower body and are therefore more likely to suffer from this problem.

How to treat cellulite:

* Drink a lot of water: The hydration of the epidermis is essential for maintaining a healthy skin, and helps the cells get rid of the toxins that can cause cellulite. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day and eating foods that have a high water content, can help your skin maintain its moisture. Foods high in water content include melon, watermelon, grapes, cucumbers and leafy green vegetables.

* Reduce your sodium intake: sodium favors water retention and swelling of the tissues. Salt is the number one enemy of an anti-cellulite diet. So, those suffering from fluid retention, or those who want to prevent it, should reduce their sodium intake, because it prevents the proper exchange of fluids between the cells. Apart from the fact that some people are genetically predisposed to retain sodium (about 1 out of 3 hypertensive patients has this genetic predisposition), many diets (especially the western ones) tend to contain excessive amounts of sodium.

* Choose light foods: It's very important to remove toxins from the tissues and improve digestion. Light foods such as fish, poultry, low-fat cheese, cereals and vegetables, do not burden your digestive system.

* Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables: they are rich in fiber and potassium and can fight water retention and poor blood circulation. In addition, these foods contain active substances that strengthen the capillary walls. Particular attention should be placed in blueberries, which contain a large quantity of substances that protect the vessel walls. However, it would be better to avoid sweet fruits, like grapes, figs and bananas.

Next follow the #1 method to GET RID OF CELLULITE! Just Click Here!

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