"Health and Fitness": How to Cure Diabetes Naturally - Find Out How to Treat Diabetes Without Medication!


Diabetes is the most common disorder of the endocrine system and occurs due to either the body's inability to make insulin or the body's inability to respond properly to the effects of insulin.

There are two main types of diabetes:

Type I or insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes, is usually diagnosed during childhood or adolescence. In Type I, the pancreas produces little or no insulin, which means that patients need regular insulin therapy. The symptoms of juvenile diabetes usually appear suddenly and evolve rapidly. The most common symptoms...
include thirst, frequent urination, constant hunger, sudden weight loss and dehydration.

In Type II or non insulin dependent diabetes, insulin is produced by the body, but can not be used effectively. Thus, there is a failure to use glucose as the main source of energy. Obesity has been shown to be a key predisposing factor for this type of the disease. The symptoms of type II usually develop gradually and steadily. The most common symptoms include fatigue, frequent urination, thirst, blurred vision and frequent infections.

Besides the two main types of this disease there is also the gestational diabetes. This form occurs between the 24th and 28th week of gestation and in most cases disappears after childbirth. The advanced age of the woman and obesity are the major predisposing factors for diabetes during pregnancy.

How To Treat It

The combination of meat, starchy foods, and dietary fiber is generally advisable. Thus, the 1/2 of the plate should consist of starch (whole wheat bread, legumes, rice, etc.), the 1/4 of raw or steamed vegetables (lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, etc.), the 1/8 of white or red meat (chicken, pork etc.), while the remaining eighth of the plate should consist of oils (like olive oil that has many antioxidant properties and can also reduce bad and total cholesterol). As for carbohydrates, they should constitute 55% - 60% of the recommended daily caloric intake.

Apart from starchy foods, milk and yogurt are also sources of carbohydrates. Diabetics should consume at least two servings of dairy products per day, choosing mainly dairy products with reduced fat like low-fat yogurt and milk. Yogurt, in particular, is a food of high nutritional value, which makes it an essential and irreplaceable food to be consumed frequently or even daily. It is a rich source of protein (containing all essential amino acids in sufficient amounts, as well as vitamins, minerals and calcium). As for carbohydrates, lactose is the only carbohydrate present in the yogurt. In nutritional terms, yoghurt is essential in the diet of a diabetic, as it has a higher content of calcium and phosphorus compared to other foods, and significant amounts of zinc and iodine, vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin and B12.

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