"Health and Fitness": Foods That Burn Fat & Increase Metabolism - Here Are the Best Fat Burning Foods For Your Metabolism!


Want to slim down while eating delicious food? Well, this may not be as absurd as it sounds, after all. On the shelves of the supermarkets, there are some foods that according to research, have fat burning properties:

* Almonds: these nuts are rich in alpha linolenic acid, which accelerates the metabolism. Research has shown that people who ate 85 grams of almonds a day (about a dozen almonds) reduced their weight and the ratio of their body mass by 18%.

* Blackberries and blueberries, which are rich in vitamin C: These fruits, as proven by research from the University of Arizona, help your body burn 30% more calories during exercise. They contain flavonoids, an ingredient that is the enemy of fat. Research published in "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" showed that women who consumed more flavonoids showed a smaller increase in body weight over a period of fourteen years.

* Soy: It is rich in choline, a compound that prevents the process of absorption of fat from the body and dissolves the stored fat.

* Sweet potatoes: they are high in fiber and keep the insulin levels in our blood stable, which means that they help us put on less weight.

* Cheese: it may be considered a fattening food, but this doesn't necessarily mean that it should be avoided. It has been proved that foods rich in calcium reduce the enzymes that produce fat and speed up the process of weight loss in the body.

* Mustard: it contains turmeric that can slow down the development of adipose tissue and also has very few calories.

* Tomatoes: It is a common mistake to think that tomato is a vegetable, but in reality it is a fruit used in cooking as a vegetable. It is rich in vitamin C and citric, malic and oxalic acids that contain enzymes that speed up metabolism, which makes tomato a great food for losing weight.

* Cabbage: not only is cabbage rich in nutrients, but it also prevents the conversion of sugar and carbohydrates into fat by the body. Another important property of cabbage is that it does a great job in dissolving unwanted fat deposits in the stomach, hips, back, legs and abdomen.

* Onions: they contain minerals and oils that break down fat and speed up metabolism. Another advantage is that they are rich in vitamin C and chromium. Chromium is a mineral supplement used for weight loss, because of its ability to enhance the body's metabolism and help you burn calories without any effort.

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