"Mens Issues": Do You Want to Make Your Penis Bigger? This is the Only Penis Enlargement Method That Really Works!


Do you want to make your penis bigger, but don't know which method to use? Then you are at the right place. In this article you will find out exactly what to do to make your penis bigger.

Now let's take a look at a few popular male enhancement techniques:

* Pumps: pumps create a vacuum that can help you get an erection, but don't expect them to help you increase your size. Pumps can be dangerous devices that can damage your penile tissue for life.
* Surgery: surgery should be your last resort. There are many horrifying stories of patients that ended up with a deformed penis after surgery. Deformity, loss of blood circulation, bruising and impotence are common scenarios. According to many studies, 95% of men who went through surgery are unhappy with the result. You run the risk of paying $4,000 - $10,000, just to end up with a malfunctioning penis. Also, if you are allergic to anesthesia or suffer from blood pressure or heart diseases, getting surgery will be impossible.
* Pills: most pills are rip-offs, because they contain nothing but vitamins. Some pills may be effective in giving you a harder erection, but can do nothing for your size.
* Hanging weights: there are some indications that this method can help you in getting a longer member over time, but your member may become thinner and it may also cause blood circulation problems.
* Exercises: these exercises are called jelqing and work by forcing the erectile tissue to expand and hold more blood, which results in a longer and thicker penis. Even though this technique is safe, it doesn't give very impressive and fast results. The gains are small and take time to show. However, it's clear that this method is better than the ones mentioned above.
* Penile Traction Devices: nothing is more effective in getting a bigger manhood than a traction device. They work by causing the connective tissue to produce more cells and expand, which help you increase your length and girth in both flaccid and erect state. When the cells within the penis are exposed to frequent motion, they become forced to divide and multiply, speeding up the enlargement process. Traction has been used for centuries to enlarge or elongate many different bodily parts. You can see evidence of this, in the lip and earlobes stretching practices of some tribes in Africa and in the extremely long necked women (giraffe women) that live in the border of Northern Thailand and Myanmar. As you can see the traction devices are based on a sound principle. Many people argue that because penis is not a muscle, there is no way to make it bigger. However, there is undeniable proof that people have elongated parts of the body (earlobe, lip, neck) that are not muscles either.

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