Do You Want Girls to Want You Like Crazy? You Need to Stop These Silly Mistakes Right Away!


Many men complain constantly that they can't attract girls no matter how hard they try. If you are one of them, maybe it's time to do something about it. You are probably making a few silly mistakes that ruin your chances of becoming desirable to women.

Here are five of the most common mistakes that men make around women:

1. Being too nice: Have you ever heard that girls like bad boys? Well, it's true. By that, I don't mean that you should be abusive, have a jail record or be an alcoholic, but you need to be a strong person that exudes power and self esteem. Girls like some excitement in their lives and being a dormant won't make women appreciate you. Don't try to please the woman that you are with at all costs. This will make you lose your identity and give her the impression that you are her personal slave. Women cannot love a man who they cannot respect.

2. Being too desperate: Self confidence is the greatest aphrodisiac. Women can smell fear from a distance. If you don't hold yourself in high regard nobody else will. There is a difference, however, between confidence and arrogance. Arrogance can be appalling, so be careful not to overdo it. If you feel that a girl is not interested in you, don't try to change her mind. Simply walk away and show her that you have no need for her to love you.

3. Spending a lot of money on her: Trying to buy a girl's love is one of the worst things you can do. It makes you look like a desperate, insecure person who believes that the only way to be able to get some affection is to pay for it.

4. Not being exciting enough: A little mystery always helps. Don't be too boring. Avoid telling her everything you do. Try to keep some things for yourself. This will make her think that you are an exciting, mysterious person and she must try hard to in order to win your heart.

5. Bragging all the time: Many men brag so much about their accomplishments that they become disrespectful and annoying. Do you actually believe that a person that is truly self-confident has any need to brag? Stop talking about how successful your career is, about your super car and about how much money you earn. This behaviour only makes you look insecure and ruins your chances of attracting the girl of your dreams.

Now listen carefully-

You are about to discover a secret about Attracting Women that most men will never know. This secret will make women chase you like crazy no matter who you are! This is something you can't afford to miss. Read on......- How To Really Attract Girls!

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