"Home Health Care ": How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids Fast at Home - This is How to Cure Hemorrhoids Naturally at Home!


Hemorrhoids or piles are something that nobody wants to talk about. Very few patients seek help to treat this painful condition, due to embarrassment. However, piles are not something rare. In fact about 50% of the population suffers from this condition. It's estimated that there are 100 million Americans who face this problem.

The symptoms are related to the type of hemorrhoids:

1. First degree- Even though piles are enlarged, they never prolapse and rarely cause any symptoms.

2. Second degree- They prolapse during defecation but they return to their original position immediately.

3. Third degree- The piles prolapse with each bowel movement and may require manual replacement to return to their original position.

4. Fourth degree- They are permanently prolapsed, even if you try to place them back to their original position

In rare case hemorrhoids can actually burst, which can lead to severe pain, bleeding, and even a blood clot. In this case the pile has become thrombosed.

Hemorrhoids are caused mainly due to lack of physical activity and constipation. The size, shape and number of piles may vary from one person to another. External hemorrhoids are swollen areas of skin that develop around the external opening of the anus. They can be extremely painful. Usually they are caused due to over exerting oneself during a bowel movement. Heavy lifting and remaining seated for long periods of time can also cause the veins to bulge.

So, how do you get rid of hemorrhoids?

* Eat lots of fruits like watermelon, oranges, prunes, apples, bananas, grapefruits, mangos, grapes and cherries to facilitate the digestion process and avoid constipation.

* Avoid bread, white flour products, and sodas and generally highly processed foods. It's also important to stay way from spicy foods like chili peppers, because they can cause a burning feeling in the rectum or anus. What is more, you shouldn't consume too much coffee, alcohol and red meat.

* Don't rub the anal area, and avoid using soaps that contain perfume.

* Add some physical activity to your daily regime, because exercise increases blood circulation, provides the rectal veins with nutrients and alleviates the inflammation. Some types of exercises are more effective than others: running, walking, aerobics, swimming, pilates and yoga can be very helpful.

* There are also amazing homeopathic formulas that can provide you with an instant relief from the burning and itching and help you get rid of this problem once and for all. These formulas are entirely natural and have no side effects. They can clean the colon and prevent piles from becoming more serious.

Next find out the #1 method to GET RID OF HEMORRHOIDS FAST! Just Click here to find out how!

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