How to Lose Cellulite Fast - Find Out Exactly How To Get Rid Of Cellulite Naturally And Fast!


Cellulite is characterized by the unsightly swelling of the skin that may occur on the thighs, buttocks, hips, abdomen and upper arms. Cellulite is typically a female problem: about 80% of women suffer from it. The reason why this condition doesn't appear in men is that male skin has a different composition of the connective tissue. The female hormone estrogen, encourages the appearance of cellulite because it relaxes the connective tissue and promotes water retention and accumulation of fat. What is more, the female body has a higher percentage of fat (23-27%) than the male body (12-18%) and its fat cells are able to store more fat and to expand further.

How to lose cellulite fast:

The winning formula for undertaking a successful fight against cellulite consists of following a diet low in fats, and exercise regularly. A sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet that contains excessive calories and foods high in fat and salt, promote localized weight accumulation and fluid retention, which eventually lead to cellulite. Even a bad posture can aggravate the problem: spending many hours sitting on a chair slows down blood circulation, because it compress the blood vessels and things get worse if you keep your legs crossed.

Some more tips to fight cellulite:

* Reduce your calorie intake, only if you need to lose weight: rapid weight loss can lead to sagging tissues and loss of skin elasticity. It is therefore unnecessary to follow extreme diets, because they can greatly damage your body and your metabolism.

* Avoid alcohol and drink no more than one glass of wine (preferably red) per meal.

* Drink 2 litres of mineral water per day (preferably between meals) to help your body eliminate toxins.

* Reduce dietary fats and replace animal fats with extra-virgin olive oil.

* Lower the consumption of refined sugar, sweets, ice creams and soft drinks.

* Reduce your salt intake.

* Increase the amount of potassium in your diet, the mineral that stimulates the elimination of water through the urinary tract and disposes the excess fluids from your body. Good sources of potassium are leafy green vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes, certain fruits and cereals.

* Chew your food well to improve digestion.

* Eat plenty of vegetables, especially raw, because they fight constipation.

* Increase physical activity, in order to stimulate the tone and the elasticity of the muscle tissue.

* Eat foods that are rich in healthy fats: monounsaturated fats can help to build stronger skin cells and may reduce the appearance of cellulite. These foods include avocados, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, olive oil, and even dark chocolate. Of course, these foods should be eaten in small quantities, because they contain many calories.

Next follow the #1 method to GET RID OF CELLULITE! Just Click Here!

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