Muscle Nutrition Plan - What Is The Correct Way To Eat To Gain Muscle Mass Fast?


It doesn't matter how hard you work out. If you don't follow the right nutrition you will not gain muscle mass. But, what is the right nutrition?

Here are a few tips that can point you in the right direction:

* Choose the healthiest ways to prepare your food: eat roast beef instead of fried beef, fresh vegetables instead of cooked vegetables, etc.

* Consume at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight and three to four times that amount in carbohydrates. Protein will help your muscles grow and...
carbohydrates will provide you with enough energy to complete your workouts.

* Do not eliminate fat from your diet: fat is needed to produce thermogenesis (internal heat) and promote a feeling of satiety. Eating some fat can help you increase muscle mass and allow you to train harder.

* Instead of eating two or three big meals, divide your daily calories into five or six small portions, or eat every two or three hours. Each meal should contain protein, carbohydrates and fats in the following proportion: 20 to 30% Proteins, 60-70% Carbohydrates, and 10-20% Fats. This meal frequency and composition will keep your blood glucose levels steady and your muscles will be constantly well fed.

* Drink plenty of fluids. Even the slightest dehydration can affect your athletic ability and physical fitness in general. Too much water is better than too little. Remember that the human body has a water content of 55 to 65 percent. Your muscles contain 60-70 percent water.

* Increase your sodium intake. Sodium is an essential mineral that is lost due to the sweating caused by the workouts. You can increase your sodium intake by consuming canned food and nutritional supplements. However, sodium is contraindicated in cases of extreme obesity and hypertension.

* Supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals. Vitamins can prevent the deterioration of muscle cells and fight the free radicals produced by high-intensity workouts. Vitamins C and E promote the anabolic process and the recovery, regeneration and cell growth of muscles. Chromium, selenium and zinc can also be very helpful. Chromium is a trace mineral, essential for the metabolism of glucose and is recommended for patients with diabetes and hypoglycemia. Another benefit is that it decreases LDL levels and increases good cholesterol. Chromium promotes the loss of body fat and the secretion of the hormone testosterone that can increase your strength and help you build larger muscles. Zinc promotes cell growth and testosterone production. Its deficiency can result in male impotence and loss of sex drive in women. Studies have shown that only one month of zinc deficiency can reduce the levels of testosterone in men by 20 percent.

Gaining muscle mass doesn't have to be hard. You only need to know the right techniques. There are actually only 3 factors that must be taken into account: training, eating and sleeping. The process is actually quite simple, if you use a few powerful muscle building secrets.

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