"Finance": How to Really Raise Your Credit Score - This is How to Clean Up Your Credit As Fast As Possible!


Are you getting ready to buy your dream house or a brand new car, but fear being turned down by creditors? Do you want to apply for a loan? Or you just want to get rid of debt and repair your credit score? Whatever the reason may be, you are definitely not alone. There are more than 30 million people in the US with scores under 620 that face great difficulties in getting loans and credit cards.

You see, having bad credit can actually affect every aspect of your life. A score below 620 can lead to a number of problems:

* It will be very difficult to get approved for a mortgage, but even if you do you'll probably pay 3 percent more than other people.
* You will pay double-digit interest rates for a home equity loan.
* Many insurance companies will charge you more for car insurance.
* You may get turned down by potential landlords.
* You may not be eligible for service by some utility companies and even if you are, they may ask you to pay a higher deposit. For example you may have to pay even a $300 deposit for home telephone or cell phone services.
* You may have trouble getting a job. Many employers check applicants' credit reports and hire the applicant with the best credit, because they assume that this person has more integrity.

If you manage to raise your score above 720, you can avoid all of the problems above and you can enjoy many benefits. Your monthly payments can be over 40% lower than they are now!

So, how do you do that?

Get Copies of Your Credit Report

Obviously the first thing you need to do is to evaluate the situation. You need to find out which items are dragging your score down. You can get your reports for free upon request. The 3 major credit-reporting agencies TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian have set up a central website, AnnualCreditReport.com, where you will be able to access your annual report online for free. To verify your identity, you will need to provide specific information, such as your name, telephone number, social security number, current and previous addresses, and date of birth and maybe a copy of your driver's license, utility bill, or bank statement. Once you get your report, look over for errors and negative accounts (late payments charged off accounts) that can pull your FICO scores down. When you find them you must start the process of disputing them.

Next this is the #1 Way to RAISE YOUR CREDIT SCORE fast. Click Here to find out!

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