Why Should You Build Your Own Chicken Coop? All the Reasons to Build Your Very Own Chicken Coop!


So, you're thinking about building your own chicken coop? Building a chicken coop all by yourself is a very good decision, as you will probably save more than half the cost of buying a ready-made one. What is more, ready-made coops come usually in panels, so they also need some assembly as well.

Of course, you may be wondering why you even need a chicken coop. After all, building one needs a lot of work and money. Can't you just build a cheap little crate for your chickens? Unfortunately, if you do that you may end up with a lot of dead chickens.

Just take a look at a few reasons why you should build a chicken coop:

* You can protect your birds from predators that would kill and eat them.

* You will keep your chickens under control, instead of letting them wander around and escape.

* You can get fresh organic eggs every day.

* You will protect your chickens from the bad weather.

* You can maximise the productive lifespan of your flock.

* You will save money over buying a pre-made kit.

Now that you can see why building a coop is a good idea, let's find out how to build one. Building a chicken coop can be very easy, if you have a great set of plans. You will only need a few simple tools, such as handsaw, drill and hammer that are readily available in hardware shops.

Of course, there are a few things to consider like:

The Location: It would be a good idea to build it in an area where there is not much dampness. What is more, it should face the sun so that it will be able to dry easily after the rains. Choose a flat area, so that you won't have to flatten it out yourself. Avoid having trees near your coop, because animals may use them to get into it.

The Size: Building a small hen house is a good idea if you own less than four chickens, but if you own 6 or 7 you will need to make a middle-sized one. Of course, in case you have dozens of chickens you have to make large coops.

The Ventilation: Chickens need fresh air and oxygen. Having a good ventilation system can also help in the removal of the excessive moisture and the dampness that may grow inside the walls. Also, don't forget to insulate the walls because your chickens won't be able to handle humidity.

Now Pay Close Attention Here!

Here is the #1 way to BUILD A DIY CHICKEN COOP! Just Click Here to find out!

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