How to Get Rid of Tinnitus - This is How to Cure Tinnitus at Home Without Any Kind of Medications!


Tinnitus is a very common condition that usually appears sporadically and is not pathological in nature. But when it occurs more frequently and causes discomfort to the patient, then it may require further investigation. The buzzing noise that characterizes tinnitus can be either bilateral or unilateral. The unilateral tinnitus has a greater pathological importance and may indicate a more serious problem.

What causes tinnitus?

Most of the time, the condition appears due to either the noise that comes from...
turbulence in the blood vessels or from a muscle spasm near the ear. Sometimes the cause may be a process that takes place in the cochlea (the main organ of hearing) and the auditory nerve. A damaged cochlea produces noise, just like any damaged power converter and the nerve also produces noise, much like a damaged cable. In young people however, the main cause of the condition is the exposure to loud noises. Other possible causes of tinnitus are: otosclerosis, vascular and circulatory problems, tumors, endocrine problems and taking certain drugs like aspirin.

How to treat tinnitus:

* Due to the fact that this condition seems to become worst during periods of stress, it would be helpful to use various relaxation methods in order to reduce your stress levels.

* Exercise can also be helpful in order to facilitate blood circulation and calm the nerves.

* Your diet is an important factor. Try to stay away from salt because it restricts blood vessels and reduces the flow of blood into the ears. What is more, Vitamin B12 deficiency has been linked to tinnitus, so it would be a good idea to eat foods rich in b12 vitamin, such as liver, beef, clams, trout and salmon. However, you may need a daily dose of 2,000 mcg of B-12 for one month in order to reduce the severity and incidences of the condition. This dosage is quite high and you may not be able to get it from food, so it is recommended that you take a daily supplement. Magnesium is also very helpful. Good sources of magnesium are green vegetables such as spinach, beans, nuts, peas, seeds, and whole grains. Additionally, you must also avoid coffee and anything that contains caffeine, because it can deplete magnesium levels. Alcohol can also have the same effect on magnesium levels and should be avoided.

* Avoiding exposure to loud noises is essential. If you have to do tasks that involve loud equipment such as lawn mowers, you might want to consider wearing ear protectors. It's also a good idea to avoid rock concerts and night clubs, where the music is very loud.

Next follow the #1 method to Cure Tinnitus Naturally! Just Click Here to find out how!

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