How to Treat Toenail Fungus at Home - Find Out How Treat Toenail Fungus the Natural Way!


Toenail fungus mainly occurs in adults. This fungus is transmitted either by direct contact from person to person or from animals, from the soil, sand and even from towels. For this reason, it is preferable to avoid direct contact with the sand during the summer months without the use of a towel, which should be used exclusively by you.

Toenail fungus is a very common condition, especially in people over 60 years old. Patients with diabetes or diseases that reduce the function of the body's immune system have a greater risk of becoming infected with fungus on the nails. The fungus thrives in moist and warm environments. People who wear shoes or boots that cause sweating of the feet are more likely to be infected by this condition. Also walking barefoot in damp areas, such as a locker room, can favor the growth of fungus in the feet. Nails that are infected by fungus lose their normal color and become thicker. There might be pain and sometimes...
the infection progresses into the toes and fingers. In severe cases the toes may become contaminated with bacteria, creating pus, inflammation and aesthetic problems.

The proper cure includes topical treatment and medicines that can be taken orally. However some prescription drugs can have side effects, such as liver damage. For this reason, it would be better to stay far away from prescription drugs and use only natural methods. If there is another disease that favors the development of the fungal diseases in the nails, such as diabetes, it should be treated properly to eliminate those conditions that stimulate the growth of fungus.

If you are infected by this condition you may find the following tips helpful:

* Don't cut your nails and toenails too deep.

* Do not use the same scissors for healthy and infected nails to avoid transferring germs from infected to healthy toenails.

* In case you need to work in a humid environment (washing dishes, mopping floors), it is preferable to wear waterproof gloves. In a dry work environment you should wear gloves that are 100% cotton.

* Wear socks that are made of cotton and change socks when they get wet from sweat or if you feel moisture in the feet. In some cases you may put powder inside the socks to help your feet stay dry.

* Don't wear shoes that are too tight, because they can press the toes close to each other.

* Avoid walking barefoot in changing rooms and swimming pools.

Next find out the #1 method to GET RID OF TOENAIL FUNGUS! Just Click here to find out how!

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