How To Control Panic Attacks - This Is How To Stop Panic Attacks Naturally Once And For All!


Panic attacks are sudden episodes of intense fear or anxiety that are accompanied by symptoms such as: palpitations/tachycardia (irregular heart beats), fear of losing control or going crazy, feelings of confusion (dizziness and vertigo), trembling, sweating, pain or discomfort in the chest, perception of the outside world as strange and unreal, feelings of detachment from one's body, chills, flushes, paresthesia (numbness or tingling), nausea or abdominal distress and feeling of suffocation. The first panic attack is generally unexpected and occurs "out of the blue" and the patient often resorts to the emergency room, in fear of having a heart attack.

Usually panic attacks are more...
frequent during stressful times. Some life events may in fact act as precipitating factors, such as financial problems, separation, death or illness of a loved one and being the victim of some form of violence.

Those who have gone through a panic attack describe it as a terrible experience, often sudden and unexpected, at least the first time. It is obvious that the fear of having another attack becomes immediately strong and dominant. Therefore a single episode can easily develop into a real panic disorder. The person is caught into a terrible vicious cycle that often includes the so-called "agoraphobia", or the anxiety related to being in places or situations from which it would be difficult or embarrassing to escape. Quickly it becomes impossible for the patient to leave home alone, to travel by train, or bus, to drive the car, to stand in the crowd and so on. The avoidance of all anxiety-inducing situations becomes prevalent and the patient becomes the slave of his disorder, often forcing all family members to adapt accordingly and to accompany him everywhere.

How to control this condition naturally:

First you need to realize that you are not actually going crazy and understand that many people are suffering from the same problem. After that you need to find out what causes the panic attack and how to prevent it. Try to identify the places or circumstances that triggered this response. The next step is called desensitization. In your imagination you need to expose yourself to the same stimuli that triggered the attack in the first place and do that as many times as necessary, until you desensitize yourself to the stimuli.

Various relaxation techniques can also be helpful. These techniques include breathing retraining. In fact, learning how to slow down breathing can help you prevent future attacks. Simply try to take long and deep breaths. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth a few times, until you feel more relaxed.

Now you need to pay close attention-

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