How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs and Buttocks - This is How to Get Rid of Cellulite Fast!


Nine out of ten women over the age of 20 have cellulite, which is formed by the "layers" of fat cells and connective tissue that accumulate under the skin (usually in the thighs and buttocks). According to the American Academy of Dermatology, cellulite is the natural way for women to store fat, which ensures that there will be sufficient calories for future pregnancies and breastfeeding. Men don't have cellulite, except when they suffer from hormonal disorders (decreased production of testosterone and increased production of female sex hormones).

Although no one knows exactly why some women have cellulite and others don't, a variety of factors have been...
associated with this condition. Factors such as weight gain, heredity and hormonal changes seem to be causing this problem.

Many experts believe that these factors cause the fat cells that normally exist under the skin to swell and to adhere to one another, which results in impaired blood circulation and the entrapment of toxins and water under the skin- in other words, cellulite. To determine how much cellulite you have, press the skin of your thigh with both hands. In very thin women, this is the only way to make cellulite visible, but in most women, the condition is visible even without this pressure.

So, how do you get rid of this problem as fast as possible?

* DIY hydrotherapy: You can use the power of water to improve blood circulation and stimulate the metabolism of fat cells. Run water through your shower attachment at the highest pressure to the problematic areas. Start from the feet and move upwards to the thighs and hips in a circular motion.

* Drink plenty of water: Every day, the human body loses at least two litres of water through its basic functions, such as sweating and urination. The replacement of this volume is essential for the proper function of the circulatory and lymphatic system and the excretion of toxins.

* Brush your skin: Brushing on dry skin before having a shower is one of the best ways to improve the appearance of the skin and treat the areas that have accumulated lymph and toxins. Use a loofah and starting from the feet move towards the buttocks with circular motions.

* Watch your diet: Avoid the consumption of caffeine and alcohol, and eat plenty of fresh fruit and fiber. What is more, you need to reduce the consumption of salt, which contributes to fluid retention and aggravates cellulite.

Next follow the #1 method to GET RID OF CELLULITE! Just Click Here!

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