"Dating": How Do I Know If a Girl Likes Me? 3 Amazing Ways to Read Her Mind and See If She Really Likes You!


Guys, it's a fact that girls will not openly admit that they actually like you. Even if a girl is crazy about you, even if she thinks about you night and day, she will never admit it! She might even act as if she is uninterested and ignore you completely.
So, how do you find out if a girl really fancies you? There are actually some hints that you need to somehow 'decipher'. Read on to discover the signs that will help you understand if girl really likes you.....

How To Find Out If A Girl Likes You - 3 Surefire Signs That She Is Crazy About You

* Direct Eye Contact- If she looks directly into your eyes every time you talk to her, then she probably likes you, especially if the contact lasts longer than normally. Sometimes she even follows you with her eyes when you walk away and when you look back at her she looks away. The eye contact is a "little too long" and her pupils may dilate every time she sees you. On the other hand, if she does not hold eye contact and she looks off elsewhere instead, then she is not attracted to you (not yet!).

* Body language- The best way to find out whether a woman likes you or not is to watch her body language. If she really fancies you she will not be able to relax around you. She will try really hard to look her best and act her best in order to impress you. All this internal pressure will show on her face. She'll fidget and wet her lips. Her face might become flushed every time she sees you. Also, many times when girls like someone they laugh or giggle more than usual, so expect her to always laugh at your jokes. This girl will try to be around you as much as possible and she may touch your arm, shoulder, or hands every time she talks to you.

* Complete Focus- If a woman really finds you attractive, she will focus on you all the time. She will always ask you personal questions and of course she will want to find out if you have a girlfriend. She will be interested even about minor details about your personal life. This woman will remember everything you tell her during a conversation and she'll constantly seek your attention and approval. She will praise you on anything you do or say and you will look perfect in her eyes. Now listen carefully-

You are about to discover a secret about Attracting Women that most men will never know. This secret will make women chase you like crazy no matter who you are! This is something you can't afford to miss. Read on......- How To Really Attract Girls!

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