Diabetes - Foods To Eat And Foods To Avoid If You Suffer From Diabetes Mellitus!


Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by impaired glucose metabolism. The term mellitus derives from the ancient Greek and refers to the sweet taste of urine. In fact, in the past the only way you could diagnose the condition was to taste your own urine! In diabetes mellitus, even though the body has a lot of glucose (that is found in the blood in high amounts), it is unable to metabolize this substance, which is the "fuel" of the body. Basically it's as if we have the car, we have the fuel, but we fail to introduce the fuel into the tank. The body of the diabetic is like a car, where the pump is full of fuel (glucose), but there is no key (insulin) to get the fuel inside the engine.

How to treat diabetes:

More than 50% of people with diabetes are overweight or obese, and in these cases, a balanced diet combined with moderate physical activity, are an essential part of the therapy. Even losing only 5-10% of your current weight can help you achieve significant improvements in blood glucose control and avoid complications.

Here are the foods to eat and the foods to avoid, if you suffer from diabetes:

Foods To Avoid:

* Sweet wine and liqueurs.

* Soft drinks.

* Cheese that is too high in fat.

* Fatty meat and poultry.

* Honey, sugar, jams, figs, grapes and bananas.

* Chocolate, ice cream and sweets in general.

Foods To Eat:

* Mineral water, coffee, tea, moderate amounts of beer.

* Lemon juice, vinegar,onion, celery, basil, oregano and spices in general.

* Low-fat cheese in moderation.

* Tuna, trout and bluefish

* Green salads, raw carrots, tomatoes, spinach and small quantities of potatoes.

* Cherries, strawberries, oranges and pears.

Special foods:

There are some foods that are not only allowed, but can also have a positive effect in controlling blood glucose levels: these foods include whole grains, legumes, high-fiber foods and especially apples, garlic, artichokes and cinnamon:

* Apples are rich in pectin, which is a natural therapeutic ingredient and can help in the treatment of diabetes. Pectin helps in detoxification and can reduce 35 % of the body's insulin requirements.

* Artichoke contains potassium, calcium, iron and sulphur and is high in insulin content.

* Garlic is a powerful antioxidant and it can increase insulin secretion and improve cells' sensitivity to insulin. It also works against hypertension and bad cholesterol.

* Cinnamon: many studies have found that cinnamon improves blood glucose control. In one study, 79 people with type 2 diabetes, took either a cinnamon extract or a placebo capsule three times per day. After four months, the people who took the cinnamon showed a statistically significant reduction in blood glucose levels (10.3%) compared to those who took the placebo.

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