"Health and Fitness": How To Grow Taller Naturally - Find Out How To Get Taller Using Natural Methods!


Can you really grow taller naturally? The answer is yes, but unfortunately there are no quick-fixes. Growing taller involves changing your lifestyle and diet and learning the right exercises. Of, course there are also some non-natural methods of growing taller, like growth hormone stimulants and bone surgery, but you need to know that these methods can be painful and may harm your body in the long run. It would be much safer to stimulate the hormones naturally through using the right diet and implementing stretching exercises.

We all want to be liked by the opposite sex and being tall is an essential part of being attractive, especially if you are a man.

It is believed that our height is determined mainly by our genes, so if your parents are tall, then you will...
be tall as well. However, this is not always the case, because under certain circumstances the genes of the parents may get suppressed.

So, what are the factors that may keep you from growing taller?

* Insufficient production of growth hormone (GH). This hormone is made of 191 amino acids and is produced by the pituitary gland. GH is the only hormone that stimulates the development of cartilage cells. During puberty the pituitary gland is very active and stimulates rapid bone development. However, soon after puberty, the pituitary glands usually become inactive and the growth stops.
* Short period of sustained growth. Most of the time the period of rapid growth is not expected to get completed until 25 years of age for males and 21 years for females. However, sometimes the growth stops prematurely.
* A poor and unbalanced diet. If your diet lacks nutrients, then you won't reach your full height potential.
* Lack of adequate rest. The right amount of daily sleep helps the production of GH in your body.
* Poor posture of the body: poor posture can compromise your growth.

So how do you remove these obstacles and become as tall as you can be?

* Follow the right diet: the most powerful foods to grow taller naturally are: yoghurt, boiled chicken, cheese, whey protein, milk, kefir and any food that is rich in calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. You should also eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, take a multivitamin every day and drink lots of water.
* Do some stretching exercises: Exercise is the best way to boost your height, because it can lead to the expansion of back muscles, spinal decompression and spinal disc thickening. Stretching exercises alone can help you add up to 3 inches to your height.

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