"Anxiety": How to Deal With Panic Attacks Naturally - Find Out The Natural Ways to Stop Panic Attacks!


The panic attack disorder is a condition that affects about one person out of 75 and almost always strikes in adolescence or early adulthood. Unfortunately, the underlying causes of this problem are still unclear, but is seems to be a hereditary condition, at least to some extend. In fact, if a family member has suffered from panic attacks at least once in their life, then there is an increased risk of developing this disorder. What is more, often the first panic attack is triggered by certain medications or severe stress. Some people tend to take up too many...
responsibilities that may cause them to suffer. Other theories attribute the disorder to substantially magnified feelings of guilt and early trauma caused by abandonment, lack of affection and criticism that injured the person's self-esteem.

The frequency and gravity of panic attacks can vary. For example, some individuals have frequent attacks (for example once a week) that occur regularly for months. Others experience short series of more frequent attacks (for example every day for a week), which suddenly stop for weeks or months and they may reappear after many years. There are also types of attacks that are less intense, when only some of the symptoms are present.

What are the symptoms of a Panic Attack?

During an attack, automatic and uncontrolled catastrophic thoughts fill the mind of the person, who can't think clearly and is worried that these symptoms are really dangerous. The panic attack is manifested by a sudden surge of fear, which appears without warning and without a specific reason. This fear causes an automatic, rapid protective response that occurs without the need for conscious thought. Symptoms include:

* Increased heart rate
* Difficulty in breathing
* Almost paralyzing terror
* Dizziness, nausea
* Tremor, sweating, agitation
* Choking, chest pain
* Hot flashes or sudden chills
* Tingling in hands or feet
* Fear of dying or going crazy

The panic attack does not put your life in danger, but leads you to believe you are losing your mind and it makes you feel paralyzed and out of control, so it can cause complications such as phobias, depression, abuse of drugs and sometimes even suicide.

How to cure panic attacks:

* Relaxation techniques which include, tai chi and yoga can help you eliminate stress from your life, which may contribute to this disorder.
* Stimulants, like caffeine and sugar should be avoided, because they make you nervous and irritable.
* B-complex vitamins, valerian root, evening primrose oil, chamomile and flaxseed oil have a calming effect on the patient and can also be helpful.

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