How to Cure a Yeast Infection - This is How to Naturally Eliminate Yeast Infection Once and For All!


Yeast infection is caused by micro organisms found normally inside the vagina in small numbers. But under certain conditions such as heat, humidity, sexual intercourse,use of antibiotic, tight clothing, consumption of sweets, nylon underwear, or women with a compromised immune system, these micro-organisms cause Candida. The symptoms usually are itching, redness and discharge of white fluids. Yeast infection is often very disturbing and could occur even every month. In these cases, a treatment is necessary for both partners. Fortunately, yeast infection is always a disease of the vagina, and can not cause any infection in the cervix or uterus.

How is it transmitted?

Although sexual contact...
is not always the cause, one of the modes of transmission is sex without a condom.

What are the symptoms?

In Women:

Pain during sexual contact and urination

Swelling in the vulva

Secretion of viscous fluid from the vagina with a musty smell

Itching, dryness and redness around the vagina or anus

In Men:

Redness, or red spots on the penis

Itching and burning on the tip of the penis

Discomfort during urination

Viscous fluid secretion

How is it treated?

The bacterium that causes this condition feeds from warm and wet environments. Therefore, you need to follow these tips:

* Wear only cotton underwear or boxer shorts.

* Do not wear tight pants, leggings or jeans.

* Do not use fragrant soaps, sprays and deodorants in the genital area.

* Avoid using antibiotics, if possible.

Other than that there are many natural remedies you can use, such as:

* Eat yogurt every day. You can also use it topically, because it has a cooling effect on the burning sensation.

* Eat garlic every day, because it can fight off infections.

* In a bowl of water, add 2 to 3 drops of apple cider vinegar and rinses the mixture in the vagina.

* Take a vitamin C supplement

However, the most effective way to get rid of this disease is to strengthen your immune system. This way you will be able to replace the bad bacteria inside the vagina with good ones.
Try to change your eating habits and stay away from junk food and processed food. Take a multivitamin and increase your intake of fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to detoxify your body. Exercise can also be helpful for removing toxins from your body.
By following these tips your immune system will become strong enough to fight off this disease.

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