Fastest Way To Get Rid Of Acne - Find Out Exactly How To Cure Acne Fast At Home!


Acne is one of the most common skin disorders and affects mainly young people, but may even appear after the age of 30 years. This condition in many cases tends to disappear by itself after a certain period of time, however, if it is left untreated, it can cause deep scars in the skin. Acne can also cause psychological problems, especially among young people.

These are the causes of this disorder:

* Excessive hormone production: Every square centimetre of skin contains about 100 sweat glands and 15 sebaceous glands that exist at the base of the hair and produce a substance called sebum. Sebum combined with sweat, form a liquid that acts as barrier against bacteria, parasites and fungus. However, under certain conditions the sebaceous glands produce more sebum than necessary. These conditions occur when there is a major hormonal change, such as an increase in androgens during puberty and an increase of progesterone during menopause. It seems that certain people have a strong sensitivity to these hormones and are therefore more likely to suffer from acne.

* Genetic factors: If your parents used to suffer from this disorder you are more likely to have it yourself. What is more, oily skin (which can be inherited) predisposes to acne due to the fact that it produces excessive sebum that blocks the skin's pores.

* Stress: Stress can increase the production of hormones, which cause acne outbreaks.

* Dietary factors: The excessive intake of fats, sweets, carbohydrates, alcohol and dairy products seem to make the situation worse. Sugar, in particular, is very harmful. In fact, certain pharmacological experiments have revealed that taking small doses of anti-diabetic medicines (which lower sugar in the blood) can improve acne.

* Constipation: surprisingly constipation can cause acne. Constipation leads to the failure to eliminate the toxins that accumulate in different parts of the body and particularly in the skin. Many times in fact, mild cases of acne have been cured due to the correction of this intestinal disorder.

How to cure this problem:

* Drink plenty of water: it may sound too simple, but the most important thing to do is to drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Water is very beneficial for your skin's health.

* Drink green tea: another great natural treatment is green tea. It also has many other health benefits: it can reduce high cholesterol, infections, viruses, high blood sugar, headaches, and joint discomfort.

* Include fruits in your diet: There are many acids found in fruits that can help reduce sebum, which blocks the pores. Fruits can also eliminate excess toxins that build up in body and reduce the swelling and redness of spots. The best fruits to eat are apples, grapes and oranges. Also, including fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables in your diet can also help you get a better complexion.

Although, these tips can be helpful the only way to correct this problem permanently is to balance your hormones. To do this Just Click Here, in order to Get Rid Of Acne Fast!

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