"Home and Family": Best Sexual Intercourse Positions To Have A Baby Boy - Find Out How To Conceive A Male Child!


Can you actually increase your chances of having a baby boy by using certain sexual intercourse positions? The surprising answer is yes. The reason is simple. Half of male sperm consists of X chromosomes (that leads to the conception of girls) and the other half consists of Y chromosomes (that leads to the conception of boys). Each type has different characteristics. The Y sperm is faster, but it's also weaker. In order to get pregnant with a boy, the Y sperm should reach the egg first, which means that it should be placed as close to the egg as possible. This way it will have more chances of reaching its target, because it moves faster than the X sperm.

On the contrary, if the Y spermatozoa are placed too far away, they are likely to die before fertilizing the egg and the X spermatozoa will be the only ones to survive. To prevent that from happening, you need to avoid sexual positions that allow shallow penetration, like the missionary and the spoon position. However, you can still use a variation of the missionary position, such as the one where the woman places her legs over the man's shoulders, which allows deeper penetration

The Sexual Positions to Conceive a Baby Boy

The best one is thought to be the rear entry position (also called the doggie style). The woman should either lie on her stomach with her legs kneeling on the bed or be in all fours and the man should enter her from behind. That allows a deeper penetration and places the sperm right to the cervix. This will likely enable the Y spermatozoa (which are faster) to win the race. These spermatozoa require an alkaline environment, but the vaginal tract is usually acidic. By depositing them closer to the cervix, you can greatly increase your chances of conceiving a baby boy. There is also a variation of the rear entry position that can yield even better results: the woman should lie on the bed and place a pillow under her stomach for an even deeper penetration.

Keep in mind that position alone is not enough. It's very important to have sex as close to ovulation as possible. If you have sex 2-3 days before ovulation the "boy sperm" may not live long enough to fertilize the egg. That means that you need to use an ovulation kit, in order to determine exactly when the egg will get released and have intercourse at the right time.

Now you need to pay close attention- Do you want to find out the best Sex Positions To Conceive Boys? Just Click Here!

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