How To Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight - This Is The Best Way To Quit Smoking Once And For All!


It is unfortunate that by 2025, 100 million people will have died because of smoking, and a large percentage of them will be young people. It is estimated that the number of smokers around the world is 1,100,000,000 and 3.5 million of them die every year (10,000 a day), because of this habit.

Just take a look at what smoking can do to your health:

* It is a common cause of blindness. Studies that included 12,468 patients found that more than 25% of cases of macular degeneration are caused by the smoke of cigarettes. Those who have managed to stop, drastically reduce the risk of blindness.

* It affects the fertility of both men and women, reduces the chances of conception and has a negative effect on the development of the fetus. Passive smoking is associated with the sudden infant death syndrome, premature birth, respiratory diseases in childhood and the onset of childhood asthma.

* It is the leading cause of cancer, especially if you are a woman.

* It causes memory loss. Some surveys have demonstrated that smokers suffer from up to 20% less brain function and loss of intelligence. The loss of memory in smokers may be due to the increased blood pressure caused by smoking, which impairs the blood flow to the brain. This may lead to the reduced supply of nutrients and cause problems in long-term memory.

The benefits of quitting begin to appear immediately after you stop smoking:

* Better Health. (The lungs begin cleansing themselves, which leads to increased vitality and endurance). Also the risk of cardiovascular disease decreases by 50% in just one year after quitting, whereas ten years after, the risk of lung cancer is reduced to the levels of those who have never smoked. You can reduce the risk of: impotence, fertility problems, psoriasis, gum disease and osteoporosis.

* Longevity

* Money saving. You may save well over $1000 per year.

* Foods and drinks will taste much better.

* You will enjoy a younger looking skin. Stopping this harmful habit can slow facial aging and delay the appearance of wrinkles, because your skin will get more nutrients and oxygen.

How to quit smoking:

1. Drink as much water as you can, because it may reduce your desire for a cigarette.

2. Brush your teeth frequently and thoroughly to get rid of the taste of smoke that may fuel your desire for cigarettes.

3. If you are afraid that when you quit smoking you will gain weight, start an exercise program and try to improve the quality of your diet.

4. Every time you feel like having a cigarette, get up immediately and do something. Just find an activity that will keep you busy for the next five minutes, until the temptation is gone.

5. Fill you refrigerator will healthy snacks like carrots and chew on them every time you feel like smoking. It will be quite difficult to quit if you don't have a substitute!

However, the most effective way to stop this nasty habit is to reprogram your brain.

Now you need to pay close attention:

If you want to Quit Smoking Forever, there is a natural way that is very effective. Click Here to find out!

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